Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Funeral Services for that "P" Word

Today we will funeralize procrastination. The Higher Power that be says, "The time is come for writers all over the world to bury this thirteen letter behavior. Celebrate your victory over it, that it no longer has dominion in your life. You are no longer the pro in pro-crastination. Procrastinate means to put off intentionally and habitually. To put off intentionally the doing of something that needs to be done. -Webster

People put off writing for many reasons. Just to name a few:
1. They just don't want to do it.
2. It's not a priority
3. Too overwhelmed with other things
4. They feel it's too hard to do
5. Think their writing is not strong

For whatever reason you may find yourself putting off what God has placed in you to write, there are  consequences to pay for embracing the spirit of procrastination. Procrastination over important things can lead to a lot of missed opportunities (blessings) God has for you. It is no secret that blessings follows obedience.
Your book has a mission and season for a target audience God intended it for and if it’s not ready because of you putting it off, you will cause them to miss out. According to Revelation 20:12, the books were opened and we will be judged according to our works in the earth.

Don't continue to master the art of yesterday, instead master the moment at hand and use it to the glory and honor of God, writing what He placed inside of you. Say bye bye to 'I'll do it tomorrow, or I'll do it someday.' According to a Spanish proverb, Tomorrow is the busiest day of the week. And no where on a calendar will you see someday as a day of the week. 

Be like the psalmist in Psalm 40:7 who said, "Lo, I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me. I delight to do your will." You must say to the Lord, "Here I am Lord willing and ready to write what you tell me to write." 
 Colossians 3:23-24 tells us, “Whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for you serve Christ.” Therefore, aspiring writer put your heart into your manuscript and you will find it hard to procrastinate. If you have too much on your plate, just chunk um down into pieces and set aside a hour a day to write. Its not you doing the writing, it is God doing the writing through you. Don't let the spirit of procrastination continue to be dominate in your life. We know the source of it and we send it back from whence it came. Anything God gives you to do takes first priority. Its not a suggestion, its a command. So, bye bye procrastination and hello to obedience to God's will for my life. In the volume of the book, it is written of me to perform this God-given assignment--to write a book.

Share why you procrastinate, or put off writing your God-given assignment.

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