Kingdom Style of Writing
Mastering the Art of Writing from a God Perspective
Mastering the Art of Writing from a God Perspective
This informative guide is designed to equip aspiring writers with the essential tools for writing and preparing their manuscript for publishing. It will help them to understand what God is looking for in a manuscript and explores practical guidelines for kingdom style of writing!
5.5 x 8.5, 138 pp.
eBook Edition: $9.99
Do you have a book in you dying to come out but you have been procrastinating?
Do you have a book in you and don’t know how to put your thoughts on paper?
Do you have a book in you and did as the servant in Matthew 25 who took the one talent and hid it under the earth? Perhaps you hid it under the mattress, drawer, and the like.
Do you lead a busy lifestyle and can’t seem to find the time to sit down and write?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, then you need to read this book!
If you answered yes and no to any of the above, then you still need to read this book!
This book will motivate you to get writing kingdom style!
Do you have a book in you dying to come out but you have been procrastinating?
Do you have a book in you and don’t know how to put your thoughts on paper?
Do you have a book in you and did as the servant in Matthew 25 who took the one talent and hid it under the earth? Perhaps you hid it under the mattress, drawer, and the like.
Do you lead a busy lifestyle and can’t seem to find the time to sit down and write?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, then you need to read this book!
If you answered yes and no to any of the above, then you still need to read this book!
This book will motivate you to get writing kingdom style!
What is kingdom style?
Kingdom Style is simply, GOD'S WAY
You will learn how to master your art of writing God's way.
This book will teach you step by step how to be lead by the Spirit of God in every phase of your book's production from the beginning to the end!
What’s inside?
This book discusses:
- The Great Commission as it relates to writing
- The Holy Spirit’s role in writing
- What the third dimension is
- The importance of journaling
- How to posture yourself to hear from God
- Biblical greats who wrote by the finger of God
- Preparing your manuscript for publishing
Are you ready to master the art of putting God’s thoughts on paper? He gave you a word and you are highly responsible for it. Don’t take it to the grave with you, or else you will have to answer to Him. This book is here to help you, aspiring writer, get into the mode of writing again and doing so with the utmost seriousness about God’s business.
No more neglect!
No more procrastinating!
No more excuses!
Its time for you to get writing kingdom style!
Other added features to this book are:
Resources for Writers
Do’s and Don’ts of the Author
Publishing Advice
And More...
I hope you are as excited as I am about this book! It’s an answered prayer from heaven!
"Of making many books there is no end," says the wise King Solomon. Just think about it, how many books have you ran into actually addresses writing and publishing from a biblical perspective. Very few, indeed, which is what makes this book so unique and so from heaven.
Isn’t it amazing how God knows just what we need!
Here you have it, the answer to your prayers in 2012, the year of divine order. This is the year for you to get your writing in order.
Wait a minute! Do you want to read a couple of chapters in this book, just sign up on the upper right hand corner and enter your email address to
Take a Sneak PEEK INSIDE!
Aspiring Writers, many of you have approached me asking questions about writing and publishing. I have shared over seventeen years of my writing and publishing career experiences in this 150 page book. Here you have it, a practical guideline to help jump start your writing career. God says,
"The struggle of writing is over. Get excited. Get writing!
No more putting your book on the backburner."
People are waiting for what God has placed in you to impact lives!
Now is the moment for you to preorder your copy
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eBOOK Edition is available now!
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Forward this GOOD NEWS to every writer you know!
The eBook version of this book is now available at
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