Hello up there, I'm waiting for you to download! Does that sound like you? You know God has placed a book in you, but nothing is coming to you to write.
Here you are sitting on your watch like Habakkuk, waiting to see what the Lord will say. You've been waiting and waiting for some time and no word from God on what to write. There are several reasons why God gives the silent treatment. In most cases, we are the holdup. You see, while you are waiting on Him to download, He is actually waiting on you to upload, so He can download.
You may be asking, "Exactly, what is it that I am suppose to upload? To answer that question, I would like to introduce you to four elements in chapter five of Kingdom Style of Writing, guaranteed to break the silence. Once you implement the four elements in your life, you will see how much God loves to communicate, whether through visions, dreams, angels, scriptures, earthly messengers, and etc. He has many ways to communicate to you the contents of your book.
The Book
Here you are sitting on your watch like Habakkuk, waiting to see what the Lord will say. You've been waiting and waiting for some time and no word from God on what to write. There are several reasons why God gives the silent treatment. In most cases, we are the holdup. You see, while you are waiting on Him to download, He is actually waiting on you to upload, so He can download.
You may be asking, "Exactly, what is it that I am suppose to upload? To answer that question, I would like to introduce you to four elements in chapter five of Kingdom Style of Writing, guaranteed to break the silence. Once you implement the four elements in your life, you will see how much God loves to communicate, whether through visions, dreams, angels, scriptures, earthly messengers, and etc. He has many ways to communicate to you the contents of your book.
The Book